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Industry Spotlight – Peter Vanderpool for NYREJ's 2022 Year in Review

December 27, 2022 – New York Real Estate Journal

Cignature Realty's Peter Vanderpool was featured in New York Real Estate Journal's 2022 Year in Review. Read the original Q&A published at

Name: Peter Vanderpool

Job Title: President

Company Name: Cignature Realty Associates Inc

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2022? The $34.5 million sale of 1520 Fulton Street was a city record in Brooklyn, at a time when most of the market had slowed. Lazer Sternhell, Sarah Mae Selnick, and I were extremely proud of closing the deal, considering it ushered in a much-needed boost of confidence for the industry.

What emerging trends will drive investment and development in 2023? The economy and real estate market have been notoriously tricky to predict, but all signs point to a good year for multifamily investments. A lot of stakeholders have been getting ahead of the 2023 multifamily investing trend through real estate syndications – they provide capital, and investors reap the reward.


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